Monday, October 29, 2007

great game to watch, hard game to lose

Coach Urban Meyer pretty much summed it up for the Gator nation, "it was a great game to watch, a great game to play, but a hard game to lose."

I enjoyed reading Mike Bianci when he was sports writer for the Jacksonville Florida Times-Union. I found his thoughts about the game online as he is currently the sports writer for the Orlando Sun-Sentinel: Dogs show bark is a bad as bite

Another writer said it this way, Georgia gets a rare victory against Gators, as Florida had won all but two of the last 18 games.

Finally, I agree with the writer of this article that there are lots of Gators to shoulder the blame for this loss. Urban Meyer summed it up in one word, "Awful."

As we always like to say, just wait until next year!

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